Spring Changes to Whole Health Naturopathy’s Dispensary

Spring Changes to Whole Health Naturopathy’s Dispensary

Along with the renewal of Spring comes some renewal at Whole Health Naturopathy and some exciting changes!

You will notice that we are changing brands on a portion of our supplements to a company called Xymogen. I want you to know that I put much time, research, and diligence into finding clean, effective, affordable, and socially responsible products to pass along to you. We chose formulas and product replacements that will maintain your current plans but offer high quality, often less expensive treatment. And, in many cases, as Xymogen’s absorbability and research shows, a need to take fewer pills to get the same effect. This is easier both on lifestyle and the pocketbook. You and your health are always at the forefront of my mind and business model. 

I have been frustrated with the supplement manufacturing world for some time, as once exclusive and trusted brands have been bought out by conglomerates like Nestle or have become so large that they are readily available at superstores and Amazon. They have lost connection with the doctor’s offices that got them to their position in the first place. After 15 years in Naturopathic medicine, I have witnessed these changes myself. With such a large scope of manufacturing, I have worried about the quality of medicines for our patients while also upholding a belief in supporting family-owned businesses. I think we have found the solution in Xymogen products to replace those that were needing a change! I am excited to bring on this family-owned and operated manufacturer of well-studied, effective nutritional supplements. 

For those of you who have found a particular supplement that works for you and are nervous about changing or would rather speak with your doctor before making that change, I would encourage you to create an account directly with WholeScripts, which is owned and operated by Xymogen. They carry Vitanica and Ayush ( which we will be keeping in stock along with Designs for Health) and other brands. They are a trusted source for purchasing online supplements, and customers receive free shipping on orders over $49.00. To create an account, click on this link and follow the online instructions. 

As a reminder, you can order directly from Fullscript or Designs for Health for brands not found on Wholescripts through the links on our website found here. This connects you to our dispensary from the comfort of your own home, with the ease of shipping!

We will continue to do our best to keep supplements stocked in-house and ask for your patience as we make this transition. 

As always, we are here for you and available for any questions you might have. You can reach our office at 360-943-9519 or email frontdesk@wholehealthnaturopathy.com.

In health

Marnie Frisch, ND 

Photo by Ales Maze on Unsplash