Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy – Q&A with Dr. Marnie Frisch ND

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy – Q&A with Dr. Marnie Frisch ND

Both women and men wonder if hormone replacement will alleviate symptoms indicative of pre-menopause, menopause or andropause. One might feel a sense of unexplainable depression or anxiety, brain fog, joint pains, headaches, decreased energy, decrease in sexual interest and performance, and even an increase in urinary tract infections and incontinence.

Often individuals slog through their daily routines, and do not take time to attend to their body’s slow changes, as we are often just trying to survive from within. However, optimal wellness is not about powering through. There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to feel well – especially when the body starts to change. 

When deciding whether or not to address symptoms of menopause or andropause, by lifestyle changes or Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (“BHRT”), one can be filled with many questions.

Dr. Marnie Frisch ND answers some of those asked most frequently from patients wondering whether BHRT is right for them.

Question: Some of my friends are using BHRT and I’m wondering what symptoms might be alleviated by that type of therapy?

Dr. Frisch: Women report certain symptoms around the onset of menopause including (Evans):

  • Brain fog
  • Hot flashes and night sweats
  • Weight gain
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Vaginal discomfort during sex
  • heart palptiations
  • muscle and joint pains

Men experience andropause and notice the following symptoms as such (McCrea):

  • Decreased sex drive
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Osteoporosis
  • Muscle loss
  • Low energy
  • Weight gain
  • brain fog/memory loss

Question: How do you determine if BHRT is right for me?

Dr. Frisch: Hormones are a dynamic system, not linear. First, I look at an individual’s lifestyle and the underlying causes of symptoms by analyzing nutrition, sleep, movement and stress. After all other therapies have been exhausted, we look to BHRT as an option. Even then, we constantly assess and reassess how things are working to make sure that you are feeling at an optimal level of wellness.

Question: How does one take hormones?

Dr. Frisch: We offer several ways to administer bioidentical hormones:

One. Cream

Two. Oral

Three. Pellets are inserted under the skin and last 3-6 months.

BHRT can be administered in various ways depending on the individual needs of a patient. We use the  patient’s  symptoms, and labs as a guide to prescribing, making sure to cover all the risks and benefits associated with hormone therapy.

Question: Is BHRT just for women?

Dr. Frisch: No, Both men and women can use hormone therapy. BHRT is for women experiencing peri and post menopausal symptoms and men experiencing andropause.

Question: Once I start BHRT, will I always need to be on it?

Dr. Frisch: The simplest answer is it depends on your body and lifestyle. Generally, we use the shortest course of action which means you could be on BHRT for 3-5 years or for the rest of your life. We have seen that eventually after the menopause transition some people find a body norm that allows them to stop BHRT, and others feel better continuing on.

Question: I’ve heard about some risks related to BHRT. Can you tell me what they are and whether or not I should be worried?

Dr. Frisch: In the past there were worries about elevated risk of breast and prostate cancer. With the introduction of progesterone as a treatment option, the risk was reduced significantly. At this point we caution patients to weigh the risks of BHRT with the overall benefit of feeling better once symptoms are managed.

More and more, we are learning that hormones are safer, and in fact can be protective in ways, than once believed and touted from the 2002 Women’s Health Initiative that shut down a lot of use of HRT ( Hormone replacement therapy).

Question: Could you tell me some of the benefits of BHRT?

Dr. Frisch: There is nothing wrong with wanting to feel well. Often times BHRT alleviates post-menopausal symptoms and increases the feeling of overall wellness. It can also improve an individual’s sexual health which should be embraced. We like to emphasize that if the biggest benefit is feeling good, that is ok.

At Whole Health Naturopathy we offer a whole health perspective as you start to contemplate your options for the future. Above all else we want you to feel well inside and out.


Evans, Julie Ryan. “Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy: Benefits and Side Effects.” Healthline, Healthline Media, 18 Sept. 2018

Files, Julia A et al. “Bioidentical hormone therapy.” Mayo Clinic proceedings vol. 86,7 (2011): 673-80, quiz 680. doi:10.4065/mcp.2010.0714

McCrea, Megan. “Are You at Risk for Male Menopause?Healthline, Healthline Media, 12 Jan. 2019